Saturday, July 26, 2008

Thank You, My Top 10 Consistent Entrecard Droppers

As appreciation for my top 10 consistent Entrecard droppers for almost a month now I'm posting my list here:

Thank you, my dear droppers. Your continuous support by dropping has left an imprint on my blog (as well on my being). As an adage says, "Gratitude is the healthiest of emotions."

Let's give back our appreciation and be grateful to those who have helped us in one way or another.

Extend the good vibes and positive reception. Spread goodwill, love and gratitude!

How do you feel when someone appreciates you? And what do you do when someone thanked you?


Alexys Fairfield said...

Hi Amber,

Thanks for the link love. You made it easy for us by maintaining a consistent blog. It tingles my Soul to be appreciated and causes a wave of continual gratitude.

Thanks for these love vibrations.


Wow! I really appreciate you doing this! You just made my day and i will try to pass it on.

Sandee said...

I ♥ Entrecard. :)

Sandee said...

I ♥ Entrecard. :)

Uncle Che said...

I am anxiously waiting for my turn when I will also appear on someone's top drop list. It must be an honor, I guess

A Marketer's Ramblings said...


My soul is also always tingled by your appreciation and I sense a certain connection everytime we exhange comments on each other's blogs and of course those messages, my dear friend Alexys.

Flowing with the waves of continual gratitude . . . .

one of your kindred spirits,


A Marketer's Ramblings said...


I also appreciate your blog so much that my friend and I agreed in healthy eating habits - more on fruits and veggies. It would be wonderful if you pass it on, too.


Yes, I love Entrecard too. Actually, addicted to it.

AZ Blogging,

It is my honor that you commented on my post. Am very sure that you'd be on someone's top drop list.

Thanks for dropping by.