Thursday, March 27, 2008

The Indispensable Little Notebook

Are you busy tackling your everyday life? All your precious time is so pre-occupied with work, family, friends, co-workers, and yet you still have a part-time business to cope with. It feels like you are about to explode some time soon. You seem rattled when you talk about your small business. Well, time to get hold of that lifesaving (or shall I say ‘face-saving’) indispensable little notebook.

What good it does to always have a notebook with you?

1. Primary reason is you will remember important dates, events, appointments, tasks, things-to-do, grocery list, and a whole bunch of things.

2. It is where great ideas are kept. Your plans and goals will be recorded in the almost amaranthine pages of a tiny notebook.

3. Impressions and annotation from a recent seminar you have attended are well-accounted for where you can refer from time to time.

4. A collection of thoughts. Surely, there will come a time you will notice you have collected a few notebooks full of important ideas that will come in handy when you need it most.

5. Lastly, it is imperative to have little notebooks prettily near you. You just don’t know where you can jot down all those tremendous thoughts and ideas overflowing from significant and even common mundane stuffs.

Though bringing several notepads is eye-catching, it helps you focus and manage your already assiduous life. “The pen is mightier than the sword.” Then, let the notebook be your deadliest weapon.


Gord said...

I use a Daily Planner so I don't
forget things I have to do or
scheduled to do. There is so much
going on that I wouldn't be able
to remember the half of it without
marking it down. Great Blog

A Marketer's Ramblings said...

That's a terrific way of keeping things in order! Thanks for dropping by.